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School of Motion Podcast

Dec 30, 2020

2020 was...well, it was certainly a year. Not just for the MoGraph industry and for School of Motion, but for everyone. We know you don't need a recap of all the challenges and craziness that made this year what it was. Instead, we want to focus on the positive. While 2020 certainly presented a difficult road, we have seen our community emerge stronger and better than ever.
On the 2020 End of Year Podcast episode, our founder Joey Korenman is joined by Creative Directors EJ Hassenfratz and Ryan Summers—along with a special guest—to talk about the artists, studios, tools, trends, and events that made MoGraph news in 2020…plus all the exciting plans (and bold predictions) for the coming year.
This is a long one—but worth it—so grab a comfy seat and join us.